Driving Social Change

Civil society has always played a significant role in molding the course of political and social change. NGOs, with their focus on specific causes and global reach, are often at the forefront of this change. […]

Gambling Risks: Enlightening Youth

The Need for Awareness In the modern digital age, access to online casinos and gambling sites is just a few clicks away. For many, these platforms offer entertainment and the allure of quick financial gains. […]

What Is A Community Organization?

A community organization is a group of people working together for a common cause or purpose. Many community organizations are involved in charitable activities, such as raising money for a good cause or collecting food […]

American Humanist Association

American Humanist Association – a nonprofit public educational organization in the United States dedicated to the development and promotion of humanism. One of the oldest humanist organizations, its members represent various strands of modern humanist […]

American Anti-Vivisection Society

The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS) is an organization created to achieve a ban on animal cruelty research, experimentation and testing by medical and cosmetic manufacturers in the United States. The organization seeks to improve animal […]

In Defense of Animals

In Defense of Animals (IDA) is an animal rights organization founded in 1983 in San Rafael, California, USA. IDA has over 85,000 members with an annual budget of $650,000. The motto of the organization is […]